The Night Act – Electro/New wave Band



The Night Act. (

Kenal depa bila me and friends organise event Colourama last year. Aku x tau diorg ni pon and masa nak choose band yg sesuai ikot konsep event kami, Shook suggest suh check band The Night Act. Base from lagu depa kat myspace and without tgk perform diorg, kitorg choose diorg perform. And walla! they impressed me terus. Aku payah benar nak minat band baru yg aku rasa boleh pergi jauh, tapi my own opinion, The Night Act boleh. Sekarang ni kan, mcm semua anak-anak muda semua nya nak masuk band, konon in scene kan? haha. tu yang payah benor nak cari yg bebetol serius utk make their music goooood. cewah.

Although diorang ni baru (2008), they have attitude. style. showmanship.good songs. different.creative. Umur pon sekitar 18-23years old. Everytime diorang perform, selain music electro diorang, aku mesti happy tgk laser2 hijau liplap2 yang diorang akan provide skali (provide? haha mcm x kene je ayat ni). Kene tgk diorg perform live, then korang paham lah.

I got  some good videos diorg yg aku shoot. tp malangnya, video camera yg baru ni kene pakai firewire utk transfer ke pc ( video camera lama aku kene curi oleh si pencuri yg tolol. T_T). So,  itu ari cari la firewire kat lowyatt, smpai 15 kedai tp takde kedai yg ada. kalau ada pon, dah abis, so pending lamaaa nak transfer video diorg . haha. kesian. nnt2 ade firewire aku edit la sket letak kat vimeo or youtube.

Hopefully impian diorang nak perform sampai ke UK tu tercapai. And hopefully some collaboration between Bangkit & The Night Act pon menjadi! 🙂



Yanniz | 012 272 4487 |

/a designer, photographer and part time journalist & colourist. and i do FREELANCE. So do mail or call me! (click?)

~ by yanniz on March 1, 2009.

7 Responses to “The Night Act – Electro/New wave Band”

  1. well,nice !
    berbangga dgn kawan2 tersayang!
    thanks yanniz! semoga bangkit akan sentiasa support diorg sampai bila2 !


  2. thnks ejat! nak p dublin! haha

  3. dem u yaniz!nak fight!!!haha

  4. tgk2 the photos u amek sume lawa2 lah!

  5. hebat…memang hebat.

  6. ;). henskem.

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